Our Team

Rev. Christopher Beecher
Senior Pastor

Greetings, All! My name is Chris Beecher, and I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I humbly and joyfully serve as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Hamilton. I have been happily married to my wife JoAnn since 2003 and we have seven children—Joshua, Andrew, Elizabeth, Olivia, Gwen, Lillie, and Seth. I have been involved in church ministries and international missions for over a decade. My experience includes serving as a pastoral intern, pulpit supply preacher, adult education teacher, outreach coordinator, missionary to Indonesia, and campus minister for the Christian Medical and Dental Association in Cincinnati and the American Baptist Churches of Ohio. These experiences have deeply instilled in me the seriousness of Christ’s command to make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:18–20).

I received my BA in Biblical Studies and my MA in Old Testament from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. I am presently working toward a PhD in the History of Biblical Interpretation at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, OH.

I enjoy spending time with my family, taking walks with my wife, church fellowship and worship, going to the beach, drinking coffee, studying ancient languages, and reading ancient texts.

FBC Hamilton is a Scripturally grounded, missions oriented, Christ-centered congregation that loves God and loves people. We welcome you to join us for worship on Sundays and throughout the week. No matter what your background, where you’re from, or what you look like, FBC Hamilton welcomes you! We desire to be a light on the hill, a place where the broken can come to find healing and restoration through the mercy of the Triune God. Come, and welcome to Jesus Christ!

Rev. Charles Russell
Pastoral Care & Visitation

I am a retired minister who has served both in the SBC and in ABC/Ohio from 1971 through 2017. I’ve also held titles of principal of a Christian school, youth and music director, associate pastor and senior pastor in four different churches. Today, you will find me visiting shut-ins, families in need of spiritual guidance and those in the hospitals who need prayer and encouragement. I also help teach classes and occasionally deliver a sermon like the old days. My desire is to continue in my retirement to be used of God to love, serve, encourage, train and grow His congregation at FBC Hamilton as we continue to be a, “Light on the Hill.”

I have majors in English, Christian Education, and Theology. I attended Fairfield High School, The University of the Cumberlands, Bryan University and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

My family is extremely precious to me. My wife of 33 years (and counting), Kathie, is a true blessing from God. Together, we have seven adult children and seventeen grandchildren.

My hobbies are reading, working puzzles with Kathie, enjoying wildlife, traveling and spending time with our grandkids. We also have a very spoiled dog named Caspian!

Rev. Ruben Calzado
Latino Pastor

FBC helps to support an outreach to the Spanish speaking community, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Hamilton, and I have served as their pastor since 2016. We meet at 695 Saint Clair Ave on Sundays at 1:00 pm. I have a heart for those who find themselves living in a country that doesn’t speak their native language. 

Born and raised in Cuba until coming to America in 2011 myself, I understand their struggles well. We have been blessed by those who come and are hungry for the Word of God.

Since Spanish is my native language, I can quickly relate and communicate where others may not be able to do so. I also work as an interpreter as an independent contractor. 

Some don’t know this but I am fluent in Russian along with being conversational in English. While in Cuba, I also studied Koine Greek and Bible’s Hebrew. I have a Bachelor degree in Construction Engineering from the Technical Pedagogical Institute of Magnitogorsk in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and in Theology from the Evangelical Seminary of Theology in Mantanzas, Cuba.

In my free time I like to hang out with my family. We like going out to different places around Cincinnati. My family includes my wife, Yusidy Vergara, whom I have been married to since 1999 and together we have a son, Samuel Calzado-Vergara.

We are so blessed to be part of FBC and working together with MBA. May God bless all of you.

Roger Chamberlain
Worship Leader

Greetings, friends; “This is the day the Lord has made, let us Rejoice and be Glad in it!”  I've had the honor and privilege of serving God in music ministries at First Baptist since 1984. It’s been my joy to lead worship, serve as pianist and organist, direct our children’s choir, participate in our adult vocal and English handbell choirs, and since 2005, serve as director of worship.

Originally a music major at Miami University, I later transitioned to business administration (I needed to eat!). God continued though to draw my heart to His music leading me to complete Christian music education through the Robert Webber Institute for Worship. My most memorable musical experiences outside FBCH were singing in tour choirs with Steve Green and what a joy to sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” with over 40,000 men as part of the Promise Keepers Choir!

One of God’s greatest gifts is family, and I am immeasurably blessed with three wonderful sons, daughters-in-law, four grandchildren, and of course Bailey, the beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  Lynne and I enjoy boating with family and friends, dining out, watching our favorite shows & movies, and am “known” to enjoy travel to tropical destinations!

My favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 and what I value most about belonging here includes life-long relationships, Dr. Holloway encouraging me into a personal saving relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, bringing greater awareness of global missions to my life, and serving in a church that encourages and supports our callings in ministry. This is a great place to be, one that I pray is for you as well!

Laurin Sprague
Choir Director

I became Choir Director at First Baptist in 2012, but had been singing in the FBC Choir since 1999. The Choir sings during Sunday morning worship services, and performs Easter and Christmas cantatas, typically with other community members and instrumentalists from the Butler Philharmonic Orchestra. 

I have a Bachelor’s in Music Education with an emphasis in Vocal Music. Before coming to First Baptist Hamilton, I had directed church choirs for over 16 years. I also taught a variety of music subjects at different grade levels in public education. I retired as the Director of Fine Arts for the Hamilton City Schools and now serve on the School Board.

My wife, Lisa, is a retired educator who sings in the choir. Lisa and I have three sons. The youngest, Alexander, has sung in the choir and minored in music in college. He returns often to sing with us. He is also married and has a daughter, Violet. Our other two sons, Andrew, and Alex, have families with 2 girls and a son, each. Lisa and I have been blessed! 

My favorite Bible passage is Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” These verses have been a comfort to me through some very difficult times in my life. 

I like to think that the First Baptist Choir is the largest small group at our church. Each week we not only sing together, but we pray for and support one another. The choir is open to anyone who wants to sing to the Glory of God. Choir members work hard, but we also like to have fun.

Lori Kempton
Office Administrator

It has been a privilege and blessing to serve the congregation at FBC as their office administrator since January, 2024. They are a wonderful group of people. Recently retired from real estate, I wanted to do something in my latter years that mattered for The Kingdom of God—something on “the front lines.” So here I am!

I’m a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan with a Bachelor’s Degree in Management. Between changing course and then life happening, it only took me 27 years to complete my degree. Nonetheless, my Momma was proud.

I’ve been married to Jim since 2002 and together we have four kids (two of his and two of mine), three of whom are married. We have 11 grandchildren and even two greats as a result of an adoption! Jim and I were one of the first 100 eharmony matches in a time when no one had even heard of online dating.

I’m a book author, speaker for Stonecroft Ministries and Jim and I serve in our local church as life group leaders. I love photography, teaching people about how to use less toxins in their daily life, going to my grandchildren’s sporting events and cruising in our convertible with Jim…which usually involves food. I also like food.

As I serve at FBC, I’m always looking for how God wants to use me in any given day. He is faithful and I’m thankful to have made the decision in 1984 to follow Him. I never want to miss an opportunity that He has for me so over the years, I have repeated Isaiah 6:8 out loud on several occasions. It’s the scripture about when the Lord said, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

I like the last part when is says, “Here I am! Send me!”